What’s patreon?

Patreon is a platform where subscribers can make monthly contributions to content creators in exchange for small bonuses. My Patreon offers three different subscription levels:

$3 Per month (“Little Dough Ball”)

Pledging $3 per month earns you the title “Little Dough Ball.” Subscribing at this tier gets you early access to each of my weekly recipes.

$5 per Month (“Big Dough Ball”)

Subscribers who pledge $5 per month get the nickname “Big Dough Ball.” At this tier, you will receive the first tier’s bonus (early access to recipes) AND early access to my weekly sustainability articles.

$15 per month (“Cinnamon Bun”)

Subscribing at $15 per month renders you a full fledged “Cinnamon Bun!” This tier gets you the previous tier’s benefits (early access to recipes and articles) AND mystery thrifted gifts in the mail each season! I am super pumped about this tier and hope you all are too!!

If this sounds like a good deal to you, head on over to My Patreon!